Frequently Asked Questions
What time do you visit my pet/s during the day?
Will you visit my cat every other day instead of daily?
Can I have someone share responsibilities caring for my pet/s
What happens if my pet/s become ill while I'm away ?
During the initial consultation we collect details of any prior or current health issues, allergies or injuries that your pet has. If your pet shows signs of illness or injury while you are away, we will contact you and/or your veterinarian for direction. If your pet needs more immediate care than your vet can provide, we will transport your pet to the above mentioned Veterinary Emergency Clinics
FFPSS makes every effort to contact pet owners and receive instructions before we take an animal in for medical care. However, in emergency situations or when the owner cannot be reached, we do not hesitate to take your pet to the vet. FFPSS is not responsible for costs incurred from veterinary visits. Additional time spent providing necessary care is billed at a rate of $25.00 per hour.
What happens if my pet sitter is injured or becomes ill ?
Will I be able to have the same pet sitter each time ?
We will strive to keep your pet sitter the same each time you travel, however during the busy season (Summer, Holidays ) we do tend to get fully booked, and your sitter may sometimes have scheduling conflicts as well. And don’t forget, they do go on vacation too !
You’ll be able to always meet the back up sitter. They will have all the information on file and your regular sitter will provide your back up sitter with any additional information as well, so that your pet’s care is transitioned smoothly and seamlessly.
What should I do upon my return home ?
My cat is really shy and doesn't warm up to new people quickly , what does FFPSS do in situations like this ?
Lots of kitties just need time and space when making a new friend so we don’t rush them. We wait for their permission before we pet them and we listen to twitches in the tail or turns of the ear that speak volumes in the cat world. We can’t even count the number of clients who start with “You’ll never see her,” only to be delighted when we email the first picture of their kitty curiously peeking around a corner at a long line of string, forgetting to be shy in the middle of a good game of pounce.